Friday, June 30, 2006

Yep!!! You are looking at a selection of photos of the Yellowstone National Park.
The World's first national Park is amazingly beautiful and enchanting. A place for the lovers of nature and outdoors. A place to garner energy and inspiration. A place to see curious tourists, and a place to look for wildlife like children searching for candy.

Well!! My quest was to answer the question- How Yellow is Yellowstone? The stone that gave birth to the popular name Yellowstone is yellow as yellow can be for a rock (Top photo). However, the park is mostly green during this time of the year. I was blessed to drive through this enchanting landscape, Thanks to my hosts- Sharon and Fred Cline of Billings-Montana.

I hope the photos give you an inkling of the beauty of the area. Keep on Travelling and Discovering the world.

The Yellow rock that inspired the name Yellowstone
Old Faithful Lodge-A magnificent wood building close to a geyser known as Old Faithful.
Wildlife at the Lamar Valley
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.

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