Friday, May 22, 2009


It's been a while since I penned a few words. I have been busy trying to get myself back up and running. For those who are healthy please appreciate your health and take great care of yourself. Be Healthy, be Happy and live life to the fullest.

I my recovered yet? No, but there are great improvements and I hope I find out what is going on. However I am learning some interesting abilities of my body.

How grateful and thankful I am to those who've been and continue to be of tremendous support and encouragement is beyond words. May your lives be filled with abundance and great blessings.

Looking forward to sharing with you the latest projects:
(The music CD collaboration with Ali Youssefi and Pam Hill)

"Isn't She Something?"- The novel which will be available soon,sometime in June.

Wish you well and let the charms of Happiness Grace your lives.

1 comment:

Ambe said...

I am happy to read that you are slowly getting up and about, Gustaff. Thanks be to God. Take care oh! ~Jacky